Broken trust and broken hearts

I miss you

Du var världen finaste och snällaste hund

what the hell happened?

Are you ready to turn the tide?

Tänk om man kunde ha denna utsikt varje dag, nej vänta, det kan man ju...

Edinburgh 2011 man har en halv miljon kr & en smart fungerande hjärna.

I feel like Im waiting for something that isn't going to happen

iPhone 4 + Instagram

It's a beautiful world

It's not always rainbows and butterflies

En bild kan säga mer än tusen ord

Edinburgh 2011

Har jag kommit till Hogwarts?

Edinburgh i sommras

Are you frightened, 'cause I'm frightened too But I'm ready to turn the tide

Edinburgh, Skottland 2011

It's a beautiful world

I wish that I could find a way to turn back time

I thought it’d be easy but no one believes me

Silence. The best way to let someone know they did wrong

I care too much for people who don't care at all for me

Just because we're not close anymore doesn't mean I don't care about you

Hearing your favorite song on the radio

It's a hard thing faking a smile when I feel like I'm falling apart inside

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